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A Beginner's Guide to Social Media Marketing

10 September 2021

Social media marketing is an overwhelming industry. Firstly, there are a thousand different social platforms to juggle: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, TikTok, Youtube and so many more. Secondly, you’ll need to create posts, make adverts, engage with other accounts, interact with your followers and stay authentic the entire time. Social media is also always changing and growing, therefore learning how to market on social media is a constant challenge. Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind when starting your own social media marketing plan.

Understand your product and your customers

Understanding your product and figuring out who your customers are and what they like/interact with on social media will enable you to make posts that appeal to them.

Asking yourself questions about your product could also be helpful.

What is your product? Why do you sell it? What are you most known for? What is your brand? And most importantly do you know your product from your customer’s point of view?

Using the answers to these questions, you should be able to deduce what words, images or videos would appeal to your customers. Figure out what would attract them to your platforms and turn them away from your social media. There is no need to worry too much though as social media is all about trial and error. As time passes you’ll be able to use analytics to see what works best with your audience.

Know each social media platform

It’s essential that whatever you post must be relevant to each social media platform. For example, watch as many videos as possible on TikTok before posting your own. There might be trends that could be relevant to your brand, and it’s important to fully understand how the platform works to ensure you make the most out of your content.

Some valuable things to keep in mind:

  • Always use good pictures and great words
  • Ensure you’re using the correct formats for all videos
  • Be genuine and relatable. Make it personal and remember to ask questions
  • Engage and interact – comment on other people’s posts and reply to comments left on your posts

Get help if you need it

It may sound daunting now, but I promise it will get easier. Posting on Instagram stories will soon become second nature and you’ll be a natural on TikTok too. Perseverance is key when it comes to social media marketing. 

However, working with a marketing agency is an option too! Gather Social can help with anything from your social media posts, to writing blogs, to producing your very own podcast. Working with a social media marketing agency at the beginning could also help get your feet off the ground. After all, you do have a business to run.

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