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Abbott Lyon: Facebook ads achieve a 5x increase in sales

21 May 2021

Abbott Lyon is a British accessories company that was founded in 2015. The brand’s ethos is to create quality and meaningful pieces at affordable prices. All of the products are designed in-house in the UK, by the founders Jezz and Asha, but the brand has rapidly increased popularity with celebrities and influencers globally. Thus wanting to establish itself in new markets.

The Objective

The company wanted to expand from the UK and grow its presence across the world, specifically in the US, Australia and Europe, with time and cost-effective campaigns by developing its audience reach, improving brand awareness, and pushing online sales. 

The Solution

Abbott Lyon generated new campaigns using Facebook’s cross-border ad solutions, with their partner The cross-border solutions help companies learn that people are more likely to purchase products from brands new to them in the progressively connected world. 

To be able to discover customers in the desired new countries, the brand needed to turn to lookalike audiences, meaning this allowed Facebook to construct audiences similar to Abbott Lyon’s existing shoppers, but from the US, Australia and Europe. As they were running advertisements and campaigns across the globe, they needed to develop communication in multiple languages. By using Facebook’s dynamic language optimisation, they were able to create ads efficiently in different languages and match them to the right location of the consumer.

The Results 

Abbott Lyon is a fast-paced brand, frequently dropping new products and ad styles, so it needs a time and cost-effective method to develop its product catalogue in numerous languages and deliver ads to the user’s matched location. By using Facebook’s cross-border solutions, Abbott Lyon reached 44 new countries, saw a 5x increase in sales and a 4.5x increase in revenue compared to the previous year.

This blog was taken from Facebook Business. If you would like help with Facebook ads, get in touch now, and speak to a member of our team. If you enjoyed this blog, find more here.