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Case Study: How to use Facebook Ads for corporate hospitality

06 May 2019

A few months ago, we were tasked with helping a Premier League Football Club to increase sales of their hospitality and corporate packages.
The key problem that the club faced was that they were struggling to market their packages to the right people and grow their sales with customers who weren't fans of the club, but fans of hospitality.
The brief they gave us was to market their packages to a new audience and try and increase sales amongst hospitality fans.

What we did

Working closely with the client’s marketing team to ensure we had their branding on point, we asked what it was they were doing at that point in time and what was working. We took this information on board and used it as a starting point for our content.
We researched the target market, obviously heavily featuring fans of the football club but also to other relevant audiences such as local CEOs other people interested in football. We prioritised facebook ads and organic content, targeting the ads to the identified audience and remarketing data back to them and users with similar data points.

What we found

The Facebook ads campaign that ran had an average cost of just £0.10p per click.
The campaign also meant improvements in a wide range of areas (data compared to the period before the client was working with Gather).
Goal conversion:

    • Overall goal conversion up 20%


    • Goal completion up 58%


    • 173% increase in goal conversion from social


    • 99% increase in goal conversion from direct


    • 42% increase in goal conversions from organic

Web traffic:

    • 905% increase in traffic from Social Media


    • 33% increase in overall traffic

Obviously, the data above is significant. The stats are impressive and the increase in traffic was more than satisfactory for the client. But the most impressive statistic is simply this:

Gather Social helped a Premier League Football Club sell out all their corporate hospitality packages for the rest of the season.

If you would like to achieve social success with Gather Social please contact us today to find out how we can help.
Want to learn more? Check out our top tips for hospitality companies to be successful on social media.