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Utilising Facebook to Achieve Glowing Ad Results

19 August 2021, a Vietnamese spa chain, managed to receive a large return on ad spend after deciding to run a Facebook ad campaign in an attempt to grow their reputation. Read more to discover how this particular spa chain managed to achieve a strong 50% lift in estimated ad recall.

Self-care in Vietnam

Branding themselves as the ‘leading cosmetic system in Vietnam’,, was founded in 2016 as a subsidiary of Diem Nhan Group, a much larger group of cosmetic companies. specialise in popular beauty services such as acne treatments, laser hair removal and even skin-whitening baths. Since opening their first outlet in Ho Chi Minh City, the business is continuously developing and have recently opened multiple new branches across Vietnam.

A glow-getting business

To expand their audience, thought that if they were to build on their brand awareness and sales, along with increasing customer retention rates, they may achieve their primary goal of boosting the business overall.

The initial consultation

To kickstart their progression, the brand decided to run a campaign from 21st October 2017 to 10th January 2018, in order to connect with the most amount of potential consumers they could and to build a strong position in the market. Meanwhile, simultaneously standing out amongst their competitors. 

Their target audience was 18 to 35-year-olds that had an interest in beauty and cosmetics. To reach even more potential customers, they targeted those that lived near’s locations. The ad campaign itself enticed customers with offers of complementary skin scans and gifts.

In order to encourage more interaction with the brand, they created an event containing their ad details. Once a customer became interested in their offer, they would join the event and Facebook then added this to their calendars. In addition to this, to ensure brand transparency, assured customers of no hidden terms and reinforced this with no commitment offer and free consultations. Finally, the use of Facebook Live allowed the business to broadcast the events taking place which acted to further remind customers of the promotions on offer.

How to achieve glowing results

They created short video ads and photo ads that showcased the services they provide in a rotating carousel format, which ran on both Facebook and Instagram, and gave the company an 80% conversion rate. Longer video ads were also used to explain featured treatments in more detail.

To boost the likelihood of successful leads, used a pre-filled form with the customer’s details that they had already shared with Facebook, to make for a super-fast process of requesting more information about their services.

Using Facebook’s Custom Audience feature, Seoul Spa was able to develop a likelihood audience that targeted those who had viewed their video ads. This feature then allowed the company the opportunity to entice those most likely to be interested in their services. To further boost their campaign performance Seoul Spa used reach and frequency buying to connect with just enough people at the most advantageous frequency. 

The use of automatic placements helped the brand to further optimise its reach by running ads across Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network.

A glowing success found that through their efforts, they had achieved a substantial 50% lift in estimated ad recall and a 4x return on ad spend in spa and beauty services alone. By heavily focusing on engaging audiences to their event in November 2017, Seoul Spa successfully managed to achieve its goal and raised brand awareness, along with a 30% increase in customer retention.

This blog was originally posted by Facebook, to read more social success blogs click here