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What are the key marketing dates in August 2022?

01 August 2022

It's that time again, to refresh and learn about the key marketing dates in August 2022. Understanding and knowing what key events are coming up could really help your marketing strategy, as you are linking your business to the outside world. 

Key Marketing Dates August 2022

This summer month, there aren’t too many dates to remember. But they are still important and useful for you and your business. 

Throughout August there are a number of events that last the whole month. 

National Dog Day  

Our beloved pets do have a month dedicated to them, this month is for our loyal canine friends. Dogs are the most common pet to have, on the planet. Did you know that dogs have been proven to make us happier, make us more optimistic, and less stressed? So it’s important to celebrate them!

Wellness Month

Looking after our wellness and mental health has become a big part of society. This month focuses on self-care, managing stress, and promoting healthy eating. Taking part in this can get you into a healthier routine for more than just this August. 

You could make these small changes to your routine to feel better:

  • Increase intake of water
  • More fruit and veg
  • Get enough sleep and have a sleep schedule
  • Perform mindfulness activities: yoga, walking, meditating

The key dates are:

International Beer Day
5th August 2022

This celebration is placed in the best month, you’ll be able to enjoy your celebratory beer or two in a beer garden, with a BBQ, or even on your summer holiday. This event was first celebrated in August 2008, and over 200 cities celebrate it globally, so why not get involved?

Your business could take this event on board as a marketing technique, by giving away a discount on beers in your shop, pub, or restaurant. You could ask your followers on Instagram what their favourite beer is. Try to get people involved. 

Did you know: that International Beer Day takes place every year on the first Friday in August?  

Hashtags you could use:

#InternationalBeerDay #Beer #internationalbeerday2022 #internationalbeerday🍺 #happyinternationalbeerday🍻 #beerlover

National Relaxation Day
15th August 2022

It has become noticed that within society it is important to take a second and relax, leading to celebrating National Relaxation day on the 15th of August. The outcome of this day is to do anything you love, to avoid burning out, and promote stress relief. There are many benefits to joining in with this day such as lowering blood pressure, reducing anxieties and pain, as well as increasing happiness and wellbeing. 

Things you could do to support this day in your business is giving employees a half day, or an additional half an hour on their lunch, and then promoting this on your socials. This could potentially improve your business culture and employees' work quality. Again, get in touch with your social following, and see how they like to relax. 


A little history behind this day is that it was thought of by Sean Moeller, 1985, who is Michigan-based. Sean thought of this idea when he was 9 years old. He wanted a day where everyone could do something that wasn’t of major importance, so no cleaning or ‘real’ work. I think we all owe Sean Moeller a big thank you!

Extra info: This day is supported by many charities, including the Mental Health Foundation and BBC Earth.

Hashtags to use:

#NationalRelaxationDay #relax #mentalhealth #selfcare

Summer Bank Holiday
29th August 2022

All year round we have bank holidays, this month we have one on the 29th. This gives many people a chance to have an extended weekend to enjoy the sun, spend time with their family and friends, and generally recharge. 

Did you know:

We have bank holidays in the UK to celebrate religious holidays, royal events, Christian festivals, and saint days.

To join in on the fun of this summer bank holiday, your business could use this as a chance to have a sale. If your company is closed for this bank holiday, you could use this as a business culture opportunity. Take your team out for a drink, meal, or activity and build on your employee benefits, record it and share the day on your social media. In the future, this could be the difference between a potential employee applying for a job at your company. 

Again, get in contact with your followers, see what they are doing, and even what they want your company to do. They could choose the team day or what item goes on sale. 


There are a few additional bank holidays that are not related to religious holidays, royal events, Christian festivals, or saint days but are still classed as bank holidays. This is because in 1871 the Bank Holiday Act was created by Sir John Lubbock. In turn, making these public holidays official. This was originally created to allow society, back in 1871, to go to cricket matches.

Hashtags to use:

#bankholiday #bankholidayweekend #bankholidaymonday #bankholidayfun

To Conclude:

Although August isn’t as jam-packed as July, you can still do so much with the dates supplied! A key part to take away from this month's blog is the importance of interacting with your customers and followers on social media. 

We hope this blog will help you push your business marketing efforts to the next level, this August. If you’re interested in reading up on what else is happening in August, head to our blog page for more blogs on the month.