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What are the key marketing dates in December 2022?

30 November 2022

Once again it’s time for the key marketing dates of the month, hasn’t it come around fast?! This monthly blog, like the others, will include some exciting dates you need to mark in your calendar. It will discuss how you can use these dates as marketing opportunities, ways to boost your social media presence and how December is all about unity.

Of course, this month is seen to be one of the best out of the twelve. Many people think this is due to one day, Christmas. But it isn’t just Christmas we look forward to. We look forward to the four days through the Christmas period, Christmas Eve, Christmas, Boxing Day, and New Year’s Day. Although this blog doesn’t touch on these days, it will touch on the 12 days of advent and the general lead-up to Christmas and New Year’s within the sections below. 

Key Marketing Dates December

Things that are celebrated throughout the whole month:
12 Days of Advent

Many of you may be accustomed to your yearly advent calendar, but why not try to use this as a marketing opportunity? For every day of advent, you could show off a different product, a fact about the company, or even an employee. Doing this could help your followers discover something new about your company, as well as something they may want to buy. If you were to show your audience an employee every day, this could suggest your workplace culture, something that is very important for your future employees to see. Try not to miss this prime opportunity!

For more help on using the 12 days of advent in your business, visit this page.


You may have heard of Movember, but have you heard of Decembeard? This is the month to put that razor away and keep that beard growing. This is to create awareness and raise money for the vital research going into the lifesaving work to help stop bowel cancer. As an office, you could take part in this, and document the team's journey through the month. All you need to do is have a clean shave on November the 30th and get that beard growing. You could even ask your customer base for donations and try to raise some money for this charity. 

To sign up today, click here.

The key dates are:
National Cookie Day
4th December 2022

When you heard about this day, your first question might be how. Not how can I use this day as a marketing opportunity, but how has “National Cookie Day” turned into a day to celebrate? I’ll give it to you, it is a little out of the blue, but remember here at Gather we love celebrating food and drink days! Back in August, we spoke about celebrating National Beer Day and in September we spoke about “Better Breakfast Month”. So why not National Cookie Day?


Throughout history, cookies have been known to all countries and levels of society. Once sugar was accessible in the country many people would make cookies, and they would reach a range of people. From street vendors selling them, to them being served as a royal cuisine. 

Fast forward to 1976, National Cookie Day was included on the Sesame Street calendar for the first time. This day is dedicated to paying tribute to this sweet treat, because why not!


Cookies originated in Persia in the 7th century. However, they didn’t reach Europe until the 14th century.

You may now be asking, how can I use this as a marketing opportunity? Well, you could support your local independent bakery, and treat yourself and your staff. Or even go around your team and ask them what their favourite cookie is and make a TikTok of it. Or, why not create a poll on Instagram and see what your follower's favourite cookies are? 

Either way, this is a great way to interact and treat your team and make some great cultural content.

Hashtags to use:

#christmas #cookies #nationalcookieday

Christmas Jumper Day
8th December 2022

You may have heard of Christmas Jumper Day, it is an annual event, where people try to raise money for the charity Save the Children. This charity raises money for children all around the UK and across the world. Every year, millions of children and adults across the UK and in other countries put on a festive outfit and go to work or school. Getting involved means asking for donations from your friends and family. Or if you don’t feel like dressing up but still want to get involved, why not donate to the charity directly or sponsor your friends or family to take part?

Where do our donations go?

As mentioned above, the money raised is donated to the charity, Save the Children. This money is then spent on working its magic to help less fortunate children around the world. As well as helping mums-to-be, new mums, babies, and older children get access to food, water, and medicine that they need to be stronger and healthier. You may think this money is likely to just go to known suffering countries like Africa, but it’ll also go to children in countries that are at war, like Ukraine.

If you’d like to read more about the children and mums you’ll be helping, click here.

Why should you join in?

I think this says it all: “every year, 74,000 children die before reaching the age of five.” Let’s try to help as much as possible!

Fun Fact:

For every £2 that is donated, the UK government will also give £2, so they are doubling your donation!

If you’d like to sign up, click here, or if you have more questions, click here.

In your workplace:

I think this one is pretty simple… Just join in on the fun of fundraising for this amazing charity. Get some cultural pictures along the way, but don’t focus on that, focus on raising money. You can put this on your social media and spread awareness for this amazing charity.

Hashtags to use:

#christmas #christmasjumper #christmasholidays

Hanukkah begins
18th December 2022

Many of you may associate December with Christmas, however, there is another religious holiday that might be celebrated within your workplace, Hanukkah. 

What is Hanukkah?

Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday, where there are 8 days of celebration known as Hanukkah or Chanukah. Hanukkah celebrates the rededication in the second century B.C. of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. According to Jewish legend, “Jews had risen up against their Greek-Syrian oppressors in the Maccabean Revolt.” 

Similar to the Christian holiday Christmas, Hanukkah is celebrated with gifts, games, and traditional foods. However, Hanukkah is known as the Festival of Lights, leading to the menorah being lit every evening. The menorah is a holy candelabrum that has seven branches. There are many meanings behind the menorah, one of which is it symbolises the creation in seven days, with the central light symbolising the Sabbath. 

Did you know?

Hanukkah doesn't always fall on the same day each year, it is usually around November or December. This is because this celebration begins on the 25th of Kislev on a Hebrew calendar, which isn’t the same as the calendar we use.

In your workplace:

You may not personally celebrate Hanukkah, however, celebrating it or creating awareness for the celebration suggests respect for the Jewish religion. Therefore, create a post for each day of Hanukkah or a general post for the celebration. This could be posted on your social stories and your feed, just make sure to create awareness for it, for your followers and your staff. 

Celebrating other religious holidays and celebrations accommodates all your employee's beliefs but also shows them respect and unity, this is an important element of your company you want to show to prospective employees.

Hashtags to use:

#hanukkah #happyhanukkah #hanukkahgifts #hanukkah2022

To conclude:

I think it’s safe to say that December is jam-packed! With lots of religious festivities happening, it would be a good idea to make sure everything in this blog is on your calendar so you don’t forget a celebration. 

Although this blog hasn’t been fully focused on marketing opportunities with a number of the mentioned days, it’s safe to say that there is a lot to be learned about the importance of just creating a general awareness for the days such as Christmas Jumper Day and Hanukkah. So remember in December the keyword is Unity.

We hope this blog will help you push your business marketing efforts to the next level, this December. If you’re interested in reading up on what else is happening in December, head to our blog page for more blogs on the month.