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Increasing Brand Awareness with Chocomel

20 March 2020

Chocomel developed video ads for Facebook and Instagram both feed and stories Increasing Brand Awareness. This Dutch chocolate milk brand lifted ad recall by 36%—a result 2.5X higher than that for ads adapted from TV commercials.

The goal 

The goal was simple, make its chocolate milk drink Chocomel stand out in December. The company also wanted to test the effectiveness of video ad creative for mobile News Feed and Stories. 

Fun with puns

Every year on December 5 in the Netherlands, there is a tradition of giving chocolate letters to friends and family. In tribute, FrieslandCampina produced special packs of its Chocomel chocolate milk drink. They decided on individual letters of the alphabet replacing the normal label.
The brand team from FrieslandCampina knew from previous campaign measurement studies that Facebook and Instagram were ideal platforms to reach its audience of people in the Netherlands aged 18–45 and to get them excited about its brand message and promote the new packaging.
Using Facebook Creative Shop and the team from creative agency Boomerang, Chocomel created a campaign that was tailor-made for mobile feed and also adapted an existing TV commercial for multiple placements. A multi-cell split test was used to evaluate the performance of each type of creative.
The campaign used automatic placements across Facebook and Instagram, and also ran across other media, including online video, TV commercials and point-of-sale advertising.

Increasing Brand Awareness

FrieslandCampina’s eye-catching campaign meant that it caught the attention of people across the Netherlands. Between October 10–November 22, 2019, the campaign achieved:

    • 36% lift in ad recall from ads specifically created for feed and Stories


    • 2.5X higher lift in ad recall than TV ads optimised for Facebook


    • 62% decrease in cost per mille (CPM)


    • 32% increase in 3-second views


    • 2.4X increase in view duration

This blog was originally taken from Facebook, for more blogs like this visit Gather Social.