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Increasing mobile phone subscriptions with facebook ads with ICE

17 November 2019
Learn how ICE increased mobile phone subscriptions with facebook ads. Norway’s third-largest telecom provider boosted mobile subscription sales conversions by 9.1% among people who saw video ads that ran exclusively on Facebook and Instagram keep reading to learn how.

Bringing Norway together

Founded as an internet provider in 2003, ICE added telecommunications to its services in 2015 and is now the third-largest telecom provider in Norway. The company’s goal is to combine outstanding customer service and competitive pricing.

Using Facebook to drive subscriptions

ICE wanted to attract new subscribers at the start of the new school year. It also wanted to better understand what part Facebook might play in its media mix, and how much Facebook can contribute to incremental sales on its own.

Facebook focused 

In order to understand the impact of Facebook compared to other channels, ICE and its agency RED Performance decided to create facebook only campaign to measure its progress with a conversion lift test.
ICE transformed and optimised its existing ad creative into video ads for Facebook and Instagram with the help of Facebook’s MobileWorks Live creative workshop. These ads adhere to facebooks best practices for mobile video, including short duration, having a big visible logo and using moving elements to grab and hold the attention of its audience, and using vertical and square formats to cater to different stories and feed settings.
This campaign was arranged so that it would coincide with the return of school, this is an increasingly important period of the consumer calendar. Facebook IQ shows that there s a noticeable increase in tech spending during this time. ICE's target group was parents of small children, but it wanted to test all the possible demographics on the platform so it targeted ads to a broad audience of people aged 18 and older.

Great phone numbers

ICE’s tactically timed campaign gave sales a boost during the busy back-to-school period and showed the effectiveness of Facebook in reaching new customers. Between July 15–August 19, 2019, the campaign achieved:

  • 9.1% lift in mobile subscription sales conversions among people who saw the ads

  • 1.9X return on ad spend among ICE‘s core audience

  • 38% of incremental conversions came from ICE’s core audience

“Facebook made this campaign super-effective with 42 unique creatives, based on where the customer was in the sales journey. People would always receive the most relevant ad, so if a customer left the shopping cart, they would receive a reminder to complete the order. This feature definitely increased our revenue.”

  • Gisle Hauge (Social Media Manager, ICE Norge)

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