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Mastercard - Delivering Unparalleled Brand Experience With Facebook Ads

04 October 2019

Mastercard operates the world’s fastest payment processing network which connects consumers, financial organisations, merchants and businesses in more than 210 countries. Their role in the technology market is to make everyday commerce activities such as shopping, travelling, running a business easier, more secure and efficient. 
Mastercard’s aim with Facebook ads was to showcase that their brand gave an unparalleled experience for people across 6 different markets, with the hope of increasing their position as the number one card preference and inspire the viewers to travel in a priceless way.
The first stage was to raise awareness among their target audience on Facebook and Instagram. This was achieved by using the latest creative ad formats for each stage of the campaign, which ran for 19 days in December 2016.
The main objective of this stage was to build awareness and consideration in order to help position the Priceless Journeys concept and so a unique Canvas was created. This incorporated a 360 video recorded from a helicopter above skyscrapers in New York City. The benefit of a 360 video experience was that viewers could change and control their perspective from their phones allowing them to see the city from different angles.
After this initial awareness phase had been finalised, the campaign centred on 4 pillars: Eat, Stay, Shop and Play. Carousel ads showcased at least 2 offers and one entry per category. Different ads were created by combing the 7-second NY Priceless Cities video with cinemagraphs covering restaurants, events, shopping, and hotels, each with a creative element in motion. The benefits of each category were demonstrated using a combination of cinemagraphs, videos and static images which indicated to audiences how they could become part of the Price Cities Progam. 
Instagram is a very visual based user experience. Mastercard took advantage of this by developing assets specifically for the platform by using only one hashtag #pricesslesscities to position its message in an aspirational way. 
Facebook’s audience insights proved extremely useful as it allowed Mastercard to segment their ads and develop content specifically for people from different regions. This allowed them to reach a massive audience and coverage of people aged 18 or older in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico who were interested in travel, shopping, dining and entertainment.
The results from the campaign are impressive - it reached a huge audience on Facebook and Instagram and helped to improve the brand’s positioning and preference levels. The numbers speak for themselves:

    • 70% of target audience reached (surpassing goal of 55%)


    • 28 million people reached in 5 different markets: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico

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