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Reaching ad goals with FC Barcelona

11 September 2020
FC Barcelona used Facebook video ads Reaching ad goals by showing fans exclusive behind the scenes content. This resulted in a boost of intent to view by 10 points, continue reading this blog to find out how they did it. 


FC Barcelona is one of the world’s best-known and most successful football teams with a strong and dedicated fanbase. They decided to treat the fans and film and documentary series featuring hebinh the scenes images from the teams dressing room during 2018–19.

Creating a buzz with Facebook video ads

First, they had to think about promoting the documentary series "Matchday: Inside FC Barcelona, FC" They decided to run Facebook video ads across a broad range of audiences creating a buzz around what could be happening!
The video ads were produced by Rakuten and featured short clips from the Matchday series, showing famous players off the pitch, or preparing for a game. Each teaser ended with a screen explaining that the show would be streaming on Rakuten TV. 

The results are in

FC Barcelona and Rakuten managed to excite fans and reach a huge audience. Between November 29–December 29, 2019, the campaign achieved:

  • A 10-point increase in intent to view in Spain1

  • A 13-point increase in ad recall in the UK2

  • The 8.3-point increase in campaign awareness in France3

  • 6 million 3-second video views

This blog was originally adapted from Facebook, to read more just like it check out our blogs page. If you are interested in using Facebook videos ads to boost your campaign contact us here and we will arrange a FREE virtual workshop.