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Tokopedia: Leading The Charge In Indonesia

10 October 2019

Indonesia’s e-commerce industry has grown rapidly in recent times as the rise real wages has created a new middle class where individuals have a lot more disposable income than in previous years. The growth of this market is shown in a recent report from Indonesia’s Information and Communications Technology Ministry, as it's expected that the country’s e-commerce market will grow to US$130 billion in 2020, registering an annual growth of 50%.
Tokopedia sits at the forefront of this movement as it’s one of the largest e-commerce platforms in Indonesia. Its primary use is to bring people and businesses together and allow them to set up and manage their own shops. The Indonesian eCommerce marketplace is extremely competitive and so Tokopedia wanted to stand out during the final period of the year where sales potential is at its highest.
Instagram was identified as the best way to achieve this as it enabled the brand to increase engagement with its young target audience on Instagram whilst driving website traffic and sales conversions. 
The strategy on Instagram involved the use of influencers along with paid and unpaid campaigns, all with the main objective of increasing engagement during the busy end of the year sales period. These ads were placed in multiple locations such as: Instagram Stories, posts by select influencers and Instagram Live Streaming to increase their visibility on the social media site. 
The utilisation of influencers on Instagram has gained traction in the past few years, with companies being prepared to pay large sums of money to influencers just to put their products in front of their potential customers. Tokopedia was no different in this case as their influencers posted campaign-related content in their feeds, Instagram Stories and Instagram Live whilst also adding the brand's logo to their profile and bio to amplify the brand further.
Instagram Live is a fantastic way to connect with users and its especially more impactful during peak engagement periods. Tokopedia used this feature to introduce shop owners and their products using a split-screen. This was combined with the use of the swipe-up function that linked to an add-to-calender widget to remind people about the sessions. 
Alongside this, Tokopedia also ran ads that were optimised for conversions whilst delivering retargeted ads to people who had used the app, visited the website or made a purchase in the last quarter. Driving visits to the website is fundamental to an eCommerce business and so the brand also ran ads that were optimised for increases in traffic that targetted the same audience.
The campaign only ran for 3 days during 5th - 7th December 2018, but during that time it achieved the following results: 

    • 2.2X increase in unique store visits


    • 67% increase in product Pageviews


    • 2X Increase in sales for featured products


    • 3.1X increase in online store visits for featured brands

“Because our target audience is active on Instagram, it's the ideal platform for our marketers to generate engagement and awareness. This campaign has been the best Instagram Live event that we've ever had, demonstrating the power of this channel and value for our brand.” - MARITSEN DARVITA, HEAD OF SOCIAL MEDIA, TOKOPEDIA
Read our top tips for eCommerce companies to be successful on social media - Click here!

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