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Sparking brand awareness and sales with Facebook video ads for Tirat Zvi

23 July 2020

Tirat Zvi is an Israeli food producer based in Israel who set out sparking brand awareness and increase sales. By utilising dynamic Facebook video ads, they were able to increase sales of their german style deli products by 2X. They also engaged with their audience with humour and enticing discounts to encourage new customers to visit their site. Continue reading this blog to see how they did it. 

Raising awareness

Tirat Zvi wanted to increase customer familiarity with the brand and, in particular, raise awareness of the new Delicativ line of premium deli products.
To promote the Delicativ range, Tirat Zvi worked with agency Havas-Blink on a 19-day Facebook and Instagram campaign that ran during November 2019. To grab attention and encourage people to act, initial brand awareness activity saw Tirat Zvi combine eye-catching video ads with a money-off coupon, which people could access by clicking a link in the ad.
A broad audience of adults in Israel—using exclusions to omit vegans and vegetarians—saw the ads, which introduced the concept of international meat products that were specially adapted for Israeli tastes.
Once it had started to establish brand awareness of the Delikativ range, Tirat Zvi retargeted ads to share more compelling messages about the products and motivate people to seek them out during their next grocery shopping trip.
These ads ran in two phases. The first phase used humorous video to show Israeli shoppers how to pronounce the unusual names of the German-themed products that formed the Delikativ range. The second phase aimed to convince consumers of the products’ taste and quality by showing positive product reviews by influencers and other consumers, which had been featured in popular news outlets.
Tirat Zvi and Havas-Blink assessed sales of Delikativ products throughout the campaign period and also performed a brand lift study to understand the overall impact of the campaign on consumer awareness and sentiment towards Tirat Zvi and the Delikativ range.

Working up an appetite

Tirat Zvi’s informative and persuasive video ad campaign, coupled with a tempting offer, generated strong consumer appetite for Delikativ products, with in-store sales doubling as a result. During November 2019, Tirat Zvi measured:

    • 2X Increase in sales by end of campaign


    • 11-point lift in brand awareness


    • 98% of people exposed to the campaign reported positive sentiment toward Tirat Ziv

If you enjoyed this blog, check out more just like it here. If you are a business owner and you want to boost your brand engagement, get in touch with us here for a workshop. This blog was originally from Facebook