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Social Media Success: Recruitment and Talent Acquisition Workshop

14 August 2019


We would love to welcome you to this free, high-level session on social media marketing.


Wednesday, October 2nd - 8:30 am 


We are Gather Social and we work with a wide range of businesses, from Premier League Football Clubs and massive corporations to restaurants and small businesses and just about everything and anything in between. This workshop will challenge you mentally and leave you with lots of actions you can make within your business. We hope to challenge your understanding of social media and whats possible, whilst opening your mind to the possibilities it holds for your business.


In this workshop, we will explore how to target 100% of passive candidates from the 20% who are actively job hunting. We will examine the importance of employer brand and why you will be seeing a decreasing performance from major jobs boards.


The workshop will be broken down into the below topics with some introduction as to what you can expect on the day.


Job title, fields of study and company working for data:


This part of the workshop will shock you. It's quite unbelievable how much information Facebook has on its users. Whether you want to target customers or top talent you will find an accurate audience to target. We will show you some examples of just what's on offer.


Social data:


What the hell is this? Do I own any? And is it GDPR compliant?


Linkedin transfer to facebook product family:


There is no doubt about it, Linkedin is quite simply the best ever address book. It puts no one out of reach of your business. However, its daily usage is much lower than that of Facebook and Instagram. In this part of the workshop, we will look at how to transfer your LinkedIn connections into Facebook Pixel data to feed your marketing campaign


How to create content:


Might seem like a little low brow for a workshop but we see businesses struggling with this every day. From focusing on the wrong things to worrying about things which simply don’t matter. No one sees your content and no one cares. This is your base point and in this part of the workshop we will discuss how having this in your mind will unlock your inner content beast.


The volume of creative:


You know you need content but how much do you need? In this part of the workshop, we will answer this question. We will also look at the different size aspects required for a paid-for social campaign and the volume of content required.


Demographical Targeting:


Heard of it or not heard of it this is a thing. Think about your customers, you can't just put them all in the same box and expect them to all like your content. They will comprise of different ages, genders, fields of study, job titles, the list is endless. In this part of the workshop, we will dig deeper into what Demographical Targeting is and how you utilise it in your business.


Top Creative Right now:


We will show you examples of creative which is currently working on social media right now. We will show you just how simple it can be and why you might have been overcomplicating it.


To book your FREE place please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or head to our Eventbrite page to sign up.